05.03.16 Stefan  | Stefan

The National Gallery

05.03.16 Austin  | Austin

Whereabouts in are you from?

05.03.16 Dustin  | Dustin

Through friends

05.03.16 Odell  | Odell

Yes, I love it!

05.03.16 Emanuel  | Emanuel

One moment, please

05.03.16 Trenton  | Trenton

What's your number?

05.03.16 Wally  | Wally

I saw your advert in the paper

05.03.16 Benny  | Benny

Can I call you back?

05.03.16 Andre  | Andre

Could you ask him to call me?

05.03.16 Haywood  | Haywood

I have my own business

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    60    61    62    63    ...


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