05.03.16 Randy  | Randy

I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh

05.03.16 Sara  | Sara

Punk not dead

05.03.16 Harry  | Harry

Whereabouts are you from?

05.03.16 Cooper  | Cooper

I'd like to change some money

05.03.16 Alphonse  | Alphonse

I'd like to open an account

05.03.16 Clifford  | Clifford

Are you a student?

05.03.16 Coleman  | Coleman

What do you do for a living?

05.03.16 Jerry  | Jerry

Excellent work, Nice Design

05.03.16 Jaime  | Jaime

I'd like to cancel this standing order

05.03.16 Eldridge  | Eldridge

How many are there in a book?

...    53    54    55    56    57   


    59    60    61    62    ...


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