05.03.16 Monte  | Monte

Where do you come from?

05.03.16 Percy  | Percy

I went to

05.03.16 Serenity  | Serenity

Do you know what extension he's on?

05.03.16 Federico  | Federico

Have you seen any good films recently?

05.03.16 John  | John

What do you like doing in your spare time?

05.03.16 Chloe  | Chloe

How do you know each other?

05.03.16 Lucas  | Lucas

I'd like to order some foreign currency

05.03.16 Elliot  | Elliot

I've come to collect a parcel

05.03.16 Mason  | Mason

I've got a part-time job

05.03.16 Ellsworth  | Ellsworth

An envelope

...    47    48    49    50    51   


    53    54    55    56    ...


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