06.03.16 Delbert  | Delbert

Did you go to university?

06.03.16 Edison  | Edison

What's your number?

06.03.16 Reggie  | Reggie

I'd like to change some money

06.03.16 Keith  | Keith

I'm sorry, she's

06.03.16 Jimmie  | Jimmie

I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage

06.03.16 Elbert  | Elbert

How many more years do you have to go?

06.03.16 Fifa55  | Fifa55

Can I take your number?

06.03.16 Marty  | Marty

I'd like , please

06.03.16 Terence  | Terence

How many more years do you have to go?

06.03.16 Vincent  | Vincent

What part of do you come from?

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